Sunday, May 27, 2007

Am I a liberal

Well, if you want a short answer it is yes, but hold your horses liberals, I used that term for for a lack of better word. Maybe I come very close to you guys but I believe I surpass you in any way and I don't belong to any organization, my mind is as free as an ever flying bird. There are as much crimes committed under the name of liberals as there are under conservatives. Tony Blair is as bad as his conservatives foes if not worse. Like I said in my previous post, I believe in God and his prophets and messengers, the ones with books that he sent it to them, I even respect ancient prophets like Buddha and Zoroaster and Confucius, etc. But that's where everything stops. I don't believe on anyone that want others to believe he is carrying God's mission and they should listen to him to get closer to God. Between you and God no interpreter needed. It is me and my God, very short line and direct relationship.
I stated some moral ideas I believe in, straight forward. But I am not a moralist. I don't tell anybody what to do and won't accept anyone telling me or others. For me that is selling God and making money or achieve power, which is wrong. Now what else is wrong and right? That is where all this worlds problems start, rules, regulations, false morals, making people slaves and put them in chains and robbing them from their belongings.
Good and bad can be a very relative concept.
A policeman is a good person, he makes our streets safer , right? Seems like everybody agrees they doing their job to make us live in security and keep us out of harm ways.
I have news for you. How if they do it for wrong reason? they don't patrol streets when their budget is full, when a sheriff for a small town sees financial situation of that town or city is not so good,they send 5 cops to give people speeding ticket in every corner instead of usual one. Making money right? Filling up the budget. Made your street safer, right? but they do it for wrong reason, and for me that itself is a lie and lie is always bad, well, almost always, unless by telling truth someone get killed or exceptions like that, but not for making money and taking them from others and give it a legal excuse. Thats why I say good and bad are very relative concepts. Don't let others tell you what is right and what is wrong, you have to feel it. Don't hurt others, don't steal from others by lying to them and go with your guts and forget about everything a priest or a government or law tells you. And I don't mean to put yourself in danger either, just be smart. When you telling others something is good for them, think about yourself, If it is good for you and you will do it or you spend that much money on it, than its good for him. Otherwise you are lying and trying to rob him, use him or steal his money. Now try to put that in action, with that all the concept of capitalism goes out of window. For me, I believe what I say that is why I never sell anything because I never want to lie.You can't sell anything unless you lie. Your banks are lying to you, walmart lies , adds lie, without lies capitalism won't survive a minute.
Neither can communism be an ideal society. What was Soviet experience, some people may say they did it the wrong way. I say there is no right way to tell people follow you blindly. HUman dignity and free well is much more important than our socio economic needs.
I do believe society should take care of needies, but needies shouldn't turn to leaches either, like capitalism is sucking blood from society, in welfair society needies can't suck everybody else's blood either. I mean it has to a distingtion between who is needie and who is lazy and want to milk the system.
Ideal society huh? Do I know what it is? I don't, but we can always hope human race will see it sometime.
Now back to good and bad.
Moralists and conservatives and religion monopolists and fundamentalists, etc etc always try to make you believe there is two color in this world, black and white, good and bad, evangelinc and evil. If you are smart enough, you know there are millions of shades of grey between black and white. You don't go tell someone, that person called you fat, ugly mean sob. Even if you hear that he/she said it, you ignore it, ignore the truth and don't tell the truth. I know its probably not the best exemple but you get the idea, right?
A person stole a cake from safeway because he didn't eat for 2 days, than he needed money
to get medication for his dying mom, so he stole 20 dollars from someone and third time the actual medication from Right Aid. He commited 3 felonies, he is behind bar for ever. No matter if the whole world say state was right to put him in prison for life, acting on 3 trikes you are out. I say it is wrong... And so on and so on. So good and bad is relative, so is black and white. Without day, there is no night and without night no day, but don't forget early morning, late afternoon and early evening either.

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