Sunday, May 27, 2007

Bits and Pieces

Bits and Pieces Where I came from? who am I. Where am I going.I am hoping I have achieved that level of knowledge finally that as Socrates put it, I know that much now that I know nothing, "I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance" to be fair and exact in his quote.
First things first.Me and God, we always had strange relationship. I am grateful to my creator. He saved me several time when it appeared to be an end, and time to go by any logic to regular mind.
He also makes me use power of my mind so I can't play dumb and showed me the right path. Why he keeps saving my life again and again. I still don't know , who is looking over me, he himself? but why? Maybe because I challenge him more than anybody and still won't let him go. I am the one who doesn't believe in any religious mambo jumbo, and what's the default about God and his prophets, his messengers, his beloved friends, I criticized them, why did he do that for, etc..I say they could have done better, etc, I never been a blind believer and if I am not yet, I doubt it I will ever be. Or maybe God is playing jokes on me and think I am funny. Now don't laugh, I know what are you thinking, believe me, everybody can be funny to God because he sees thing and acts others can't. So whatever ,he knows I am going to challenge him again and again, because I know his secrets, he voluntary reveal them to me. Than he has to deal with it. Things I know about him is stuff he didn't reveal in any books like Torah or bible or Koran, but I still know about them. Do I have the right to let other know what they are? maybe not, sometime I think if I do, he will say I am finished with you. Done. But even if I do that and he says enough is enough, he knew I would do it. I can blame you, right? *winks* So if you don't want me, just don't make me say it. I'll tell you later how he saved me numerous time, how I been predicting stuff that happens in future, psychic? God forbid no, I hate that title. And I don't believe in any titles, categories, cliches etc. I tell you later about those occasions.
I am the one mixing God, religion and Science, because that's the only way for God to survive. in 21st century and beyond, unless some big world war or disaster hits and a few of his believer survive in caves and everything else gone. Which I know he is not going to do. He values what he worked hard to achieve. Its never been a clap of two hands and things happening, that's another one of those secrets that he knows that I know. Isn't so?
Like I said, I never let him go and never will.I said I am challenging him. Fighting him? no, because I am smart enough to know I am not that strong. Deny him? no, because that's what Satan hoping for, and me and Satan have nothing in common. I could have done a lot of things to make my life easier but chose not to. You can live 30, 50, 70 years, it comes to an end, right? So why be a leach, there are some basics I believe in, you don't make blood money, you don't hurt others, you can't blame someone else and pretend you had no choice, believe me it wouldn't fly, you can't say for example my commander in chief told me and I had no choice, what if God replays who? I don't know him and even if I do, he is lower than low, lot lower than you, I am asking you, not him. And certainly you can't kill people. I know God used that line a lot trough history. He kills people that he created than say John or smith or Ahmad or Mahmoud killed them and than asking them why. Sorry God, you created them, you deal with them, no matter how bad they are. I also believe a decent human being don't hurt women, don't put them down, you don't tell them what to do, they are equal if not better and they have brains as good as you if not better. I am saying those things because that is a big problem in the world, still.
You don't tell people how to pray , eat, dress, or how to conduct their lives as long as they don't hurt others and if they do, you avoid them as plague.One thing I can do and have done all my life, I believe I am not here to care for myself, but care for others first. Is it good, is it true, ? I believe it it is. That passed to my older daughter too. So I guess she is going to have as tough as life as me, but as I won't take one second of it back, and do it again if I am reborn, I am sure she will be satisfied too, that's the nature of those kind of people they keep saying to themselves, why I did this, why I did it for others and not for myself, but still can't do it any other way and finally give up and say I did the right thing so I should be happy..Now that said, you probably get proud of yourself , and say here is another conservative, believes in God and has moral values. Not so fast, you are as ignorant as always, most of you are leaches, bacterias who can only live by sucking blood and taking what belongs to others, by cheating them, lying to them, robbing them and sucking their bloods. And I certainly don't believe or having any respect for people who trying to tell others they are representing God, only through them you can have a relation with your God. All they do is making a living, but in very dishonest way, by lying to others, just like lawyers and used car salesman, they are selling God. My relationship to God is between me and him, I don't believe on any person in between, the only respect I have in religion is for his prophets, his messengers, not everyone in Utah or Amazon, or Africa, or in Iran etc etc that claim to be his messengers, but the ones I believe are the true ones , the one he sent book to, and called them his friends.So I don't like priests, Rabbi or mullah, even the very very little good minority have the scarlet of their majority classmates.Am I a liberal? read on to next post.

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