Saturday, May 26, 2007

The whole truth and nothing but the truth

Exciting title, don't you think so. Read on, you will be disappointed. How if I tell you the whole truth doesn't exist, or if it does, nobody knows what is it. Not even God, prophets knew what it

was, every single one of them admitted that they know the truth to a limit and there are a lot of things they had no idea what it was.

Actually I should have written this post first. I am grateful once in a while I have revelations from God, but wait before you make any judgement. I am not a prophet or a messenger or anything like that. Those don't come anymore. Every single one of us, if we are not using a third party, a middleman, between us and God and if we believe in him, to the limit of what our minds can get and tolerate can be in that special circle that God give them his secrets. Mine are very unique. Believe me they are one of a kind. I don't think about it. A subject that I am not reading about it, discuss or think it in my mind, it just comes from nowhere, boom, like that, last part of my sleep cycle, I dream something extra ordinary, something no one ever heard about it, read about it or think, sudden like that, yet it makes so much sense that changes all prospective. I wake up, can never go back to sleep, and say oh my God so that's the truth, and when I think there could be no other way, no alternative. That's why I am writing. God doesn't reveal you secrets to keep it secret. Maybe he thinks its about time people knew about it. If you don't do anything about it, maybe it will never happen again. Although maybe he knows you have the capacity to take it and do what is right.

Back to whole truth. Now I do believe all truths are relative, just like anything else in Einstein's theory of relativity. You only can get so close to it but never touch it. Whole truth belongs to God. He reveals to us what he sees appropriate. Are there other planets exist with intelligent life? common sense dictates it does. There is no way in infinity and a humongous universe, we are all alone. Someday we would know, if planet earth doesn't get destroyed by than. And other stuff like that. Every step since and technology takes, getting close to whole truth but still a huge gap always remain for achieving it ..... more to come....

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